
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Morning of Panther 5k Run

All went really well this past Saturday at the Panther 5K run. Since it was in my home town, I walked(BF) to GC campus where the event is. Wanted to get myself and my feet warmed up. The temp was in the low 40s and chilly. I dressed warm on the top half and my feet were fine. Registration started at 6:45am-7:45am. I was too anxious and was up at 5:30am. So I got ready and got to campus at 7am. Not too many people there yet. So I registered and got my packet with t-shirt, number panel and picked up the ankle bracelet with the running chip. The odd thing was that they wrote my age on my calf with a marker. HUH??? They said it was so that we could identify our classmates and age group. Ok. But us in the 40 and older group weren't thrilled about this. HAHA. It was a fun topic to talk about. This was new to me since I haven't been in an event like this.
Toes still a little chilly. So I headed over to the student union to warm up and do my stretches while I wait for more to show up. I was looking for my running buddies, but they were here yet. I did run into other people I knew and chatted. Yes, the usual comment of "you running barefoot?!!!" and I do my mantra. This was a college homecoming race, so I got to see some of my class mates. And none of them knew I am a BFer or run BF. So they were shocked and interested.
Finally my running buddies show up 20 min before the race starts and they get their stuff. The 5k run was all around the the town streets(which I have run many times before, so no surprises). The 5k run coordinators had us gather up on the street in front of the campus. My buddies and me gathered up toward the front which was fine with me. The blowhorn started and we headed off. One of my buddies is a really fast runner and has done marathons before. He took off like a light, so let him go. I wasn't sure if the others would stick around. For about a mile I was with some of them, but we eventually took our own pace and separated. Which is fine. I wasn't there for speed, but more for the fun and experience. Only two of my running buddies kept way ahead of me and I didn't try to catch up. I just kep my pace. My feet felt fine and I tried to push it more than I usually do. There wasn't much chatter, altho I tried to initiate some as I passed them or others that tried to pass me. There were quite a few kids taking part in it. It was a family event as well. One boy of about 10 stuck with me for most of the race. It felt good that I got to pass some of those close to my age. Of course I expected that those younger than me and more experienced would pass me. I did take note of those passing me with their age number on their leg. Only two in my age group passed me. I think the others in my age group must have already been ahead of me from the start.
As I neared the end of the race I tried to keep my form, yet push my limits a bit more and concentrate on getting a good speed. I rounded the corner and went down the long path to the finish line. That one 10yo boy and another were on my heels(literally) as we three passed over the finish line. I was slightly a barefoot ahead of them. I ran passed the finish and did a few "high-fives" with my buddies that had already finished. I FELT GREAT!
We checked the stats that were already posted(which was fast posting) and I got 22 overall placement. I got 5th place in my 40-49 age group. My time was 23:43:25(23 min) with a pace of 7:39/min. WOW! I must have been pushing it. I never run that fast(BF) before. I usually do 8:30 or more.

I don't have any pics to show you and hoping the the event coordinators or the college will post pics soon. It was a great experience and I hope to someday do more 5ks, and better yet do half marathons. It will be many of my goals as a BF runner.

Here are some pics I took of me and my running buddies:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Panther 5k Run

Tomorrow morning will be my first official “professionally” organized 5k run while barefoot. It is the Panther 5k and will be at Greenville College and wind through the streets of Gville and end back up on campus. Several of my friends(shod) who I run with on Saturdays and other days of the week have encouraged me to take part in this 5k. Some of them I think want me there being the only BFR they know and is a novelty. OH WELL! I don’t mind that. I go just to have fun. I don’t worry about time. They do and they may pass me by as they work the clock. I hope to take pictures and give a report sometime next week.