
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Run

This morning we woke up to huge flakes and about 3 inches of fresh snow, on top of what we already had. The snow plows haven't even tried to come through our neighborhood. I just couldn't pass the opportunity to try another totally barefoot run in fresh snow. Last time I did was the middle of December and was my first experience. And it wasn't what I expected and I had to do a lot of nursing my feet. Learned from mistakes and had to learn from my feet.
So this is my second chance and I am a little more prepared. After stretching I ran in place for a few minutes to get the circulation going. Check feet. Still not feeling like they are ready for a cold run in the snow. Toes feel stiff. So did another few minutes of running in place. Me: "Are you ready feet?" Feet: "Let's give it a shot". So we carefully crept out in the snow. Feet: "oh so soft! I like this, but a bit cold." Me: "let's go". Off we started to go around just one block. The snow was nice and I couldn't feel the chip seal pavement below...A PLUS!!! I don't like walking or running on it and I have to go a couple of blocks before I can start running on smooth roads. So this was a treat. Halfway around my feet said "I am stiffening up and really cold! Can we go in now?" Me: "let's finish this block". We rounded the corner and back up to the house. I had a towel waiting to dry off the feet and a bucket of cold water in case the feet needs refreshing. Feet: "I can't bend my toes!" A few wigglings and in the water to wiggle some more. Feet: "AHHH....we are getting there." The feet felt warm after this but the toes still were cold. So I ran in place again.
Me: "You ready to try again around another block?" Feet: "You are joking!"...big pause to think...."Oh, ok". Off we went and the feet seemed a bit more accepting, yet still really cold to the point of stiffness. Back in the house we went to give them a rest and warm up. By this time the feet were warming up both internally and externally. This time neither of us hesitated and we wanted to give a good try and go longer. We both felt warm and good about it. We ended up running five blocks up the hill and back down before heading inside. Feet still complained of stiffness but was enjoying it.
Snow is still coming down and I think we will call this a good run and I hope the plows don't come in our area because we would like to give this snow run another try. So soft and feels good on the feet.

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